
エッセイ #5

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TEXT Caitlin Coker(ケイトリン・コーカー)


Confetti from the Bottom of her Pelvis



 This essay is not a typical dance review; It merely documents what arose from Ima Tenko’s body when I watched “Onna no Bokushisan.” The other audience members and I are watching the same Ima Tenko, but what will come from her is different for each person, since how her body and each of our bodies resonate differs. I will write below what, for me, came into existence in Ima’s butoh.
 At the beginning, Ima stands in front of an image of herself projected onto the wall. When she moves to another place after standing still for a while, her after-image remains in that place, and her existence doubles. However, it is not that Ima becomes two and then three, like addition, but rather that Ima multiplies, so that her body rapidly increases. That image of her standing is like she is being painted by someone, or like someone is taking her picture, and it is mysterious that there are so many Imas created from standing still like this.
 Like the many Imas, the next scene with the bowl filled with rice seems to have multiple meanings. It seems like it is pointing out the similarity between a Butoh performer and a Bokushisan (pastor), in that the former lives an esthetic life in order to devote themselves to butoh, while the latter does the same but in devotion to god. Or, maybe it is suggesting Ima’s roots, her Japanese heritage. Or, eating only white rice ravenously could be that a dancer’s work, or a woman’s work in general is not properly rewarded. Maybe it is all of these things.
 Then, Ima appears again in front of us and begins painting herself white. As she paints herself white, something nonhuman comes out from inside of Ima. Many existences! When she paints herself white and stands in the middle of the stage, she looks like a crazy horse who is running and chasing something, but she doesn’t actually move from the spot where she is standing. She exerts so much effort but never reaches anything, never accomplishes anything. Then, she retreats from whatever she was chasing, but that something fills Ima to the brim.
 The Ima that is projected on the wall goes outside and into the street. At this time, Ima becomes the wind, she becomes the outside wall, and she becomes air. The butoh performer is the stray cat watching her from the side. When she comes back inside, she is like a shrine dancer fused with a retro-style cabaret dancer. When she opens her fan, her body itself is opening towards the audience. She becomes a toy being danced in time with the music. She leaves once and then comes back to the stage, and she is a faery from the woods.
  This is when I noticed: dancing Ima is a god. She becomes god. A butoh performer and a pastor both have the similarity of giving themselves to something larger, and both have a deep communication with god. Both of them are vessels for god. When Ima paints white, Ima’s body is a cathedral, and Ima herself becomes god. This god doesn’t come from above; it springs forth from within Ima’s body.
At the end, Ima throws confetti, and that confetti is an extension of Ima’s body. The confetti twirling and dancing in the air is Ima’s body itself continuing to move.


Caitlin Coker
北海道大学大学院文化研究院准教授、ダンサー。専門は文化人類学、踊る人類学。著書に『暗黒舞踏の身体経験 アフェクトと生成の人類学』(京都大学学術出版会、二〇一九年)、ほか。

Professor at Hokkaido University, Dancer, Dance Anthropologist.