
コンセプト Concept

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舞踏家今貂子と 映像作家飯名尚人の二人の共通点はキリスト教であった。




舞踏とキリスト教のつながりが直接的にあるわけではない。しかし舞踏家 大野一雄(1906-2010)は敬虔なクリスチャンであった。ニューギニアで終戦を迎え帰国の際、引き揚げ船の中で仲間が病気で亡くなっていく。船に遺体を残しておけないから水葬する。その様子を大野一雄は「くらげの踊り」として舞ったそうだ。華やかで優雅に弔い祈る踊りだっただろうと想像する。残念ながらその写真も映像も残っていない。<舞踏とキリスト教>を意訳すれば<おどりと信仰>であろう。今の時代に何を踊り、祈り、信仰するか。

The Beginning of Collaboration...

"My dream is to be a famele pastor," Ima Tenko wrote in her notebook as an elementary school student. As a high school student, Naoto Iina, secretly attended church with the desire to become a pastor. What Butoh dancer Ima Tenko and filmmaker Iina Naoto had in common was their sense towards Christianity.

A place to create works...

Expression is born from a place.The former studio of a Butoh company, Byakkosha (1980-94), is now the Ima Tenko Butoh Studio. When opening the door at the end of a private alley in the Higashi-Kujo district of Kyoto city, one smells the scent of "practice" in the air. Ima Tenko, a former member of Byakkosha, has continued to practice Butoh at this rehearsal hall since the group's dissolution. "Onna no Bokushisan (A famele poster)" was created in this studio through repeated discussions, filming, and rehearsals. This is not a work that will be created and consumed in a short period but a production method that can be sustained over a long period of time.


Butoh and Christianity...

Although there is no deliberate connection between Butoh and Christianity, Butoh dancer Kazuo Ohno (1906-2010) was a devout Christian. When he returned to Japan after his war experience in New Guinea, some of his company on the repatriation ship fell ill and died. Since the bodies could not be left on board, they were buried at sea. Kazuo Ohno danced this memory in his "Jellyfish Dance". It must have been a gorgeous and elegant dance of mourning and prayer. Unfortunately, there is no photography or video of this dance left. "Butoh and Christianity" could be rephrased as "Dance and Belief." What do we dance, pray, and believe in today?